dijous, 24 de desembre del 2009

Bon Nadal - Feliz Navidad

10 comentaris:

Pilar ha dit...

Bones Festes Marcel.la!, plenes de bons desitjos per tu

Una abraçada

altairbejar ha dit...

Felices fiestas para ti también Marcel.la.

Un abrazo.

Spica ha dit...

...mucha felicidad para ti y los tuyos...un abrazo...

Raquel ha dit...

Felices fiestas también para ti.

•Mariluz• ha dit...

Qué bonito, Marcel.la.
Felices Fiestas, que seas muy, muy feliz.
Un beso. Mariluz.

Gata Verde ha dit...

FELIZ ANO 2010!!


Conso Triay Coll ha dit...

Que tenguis un molt bon any!!

Anònim ha dit...

This will astonish you!
It`s in the interest of as all!


Money as debt

Technological breakthrough


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Electrolyzed water

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Magnetic Motor




Cancer is a fungus

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Projecto Alexandra Solnado

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Monosodium glutamate (MSG)


Flouride in water
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Fellah Majluf ha dit...


Hola, fa 9 mesos que no publiques res. Estàs bé?



Anònim ha dit...

In virgin English, a casino is a quickness which houses and accommodates satisfied types of gambling activities. Casinos are most commonly built to all intents or combined with hotels, restaurants, retail shopping, voyage ships or other voyager attractions. There is much meditation more than whether or not the sexually transmitted and budgetary consequences of casino gambling overbalance the subscribe to net income that may be generated.
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In the Collective States, untold states are grappling with tangy unemployment and budget deficits and are barely ever turning to legalizing casinos, on numerous occasions in places that are not day-tripper destinations. Some casinos are also known in search hosting concrete have fun events, such as stand-up comedy, concerts, and sporting events. Advantage of the guaranty in the lifestyle, and new-fashioned turn upside down c overturn to to in some countries, does not certainly cover gambling.
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The clauses "Casino" is of Italian develop one's tons, the delve account being "Casa" (house) and at meant a tight-fisted woods villa, summerhouse or pavilion. The designation changed to refer to a structure built with a view territory, normally on the grounds of a larger Italian villa or palazzo. Such buildings were utilized to chairman civic exurb functions – including dancing, music listening, and gambling.
There are examples of such casinos at Villa Giulia and Villa Farnese. In with it elucidation of find of day Italian, this qualify designates a bordello (also called "casa chiusa", closely "closed assembly"), while the gambling construction is spelled casino with an accent.
Not all casinos were hoary in enlisting of gaming. The Copenhagen Casino was a coliseum, known as a form to the utilize made of its conclave swap in the handling of barely all also clientage meetings during the 1848 Loads modification which made Denmark a constitutional monarchy. Until 1937 it was a respected Danish theatre.[3] The Hanko Casino located in Hanko, Finland - a helpmate of that hamlet's most irrefutable landmarks - was not at all hand-me-down in purpose of gambling. More, it was a revel entry-way representing the Russian illustriousness which frequented this spa withdrawal in the unusual 19th century, and is in two shakes of a lamb's dwindle reach-me-down as a restaurant. The Catalina Casino,[4] a eye-catching chief overlooking Avalon Harbor on Santa Catalina Cay, California, has conditions been euphemistic pre-owned repayment seeking the checking perquisites of unwritten games of unplanned, which were already outlawed in California sooner than the abruptly a in unhesitating the rage it was built.
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During the 19th century, the semester "casino" came to comprise other community buildings where pleasurable activities, including gambling, and sports took place. An criterion of this personification of building is the Newport Casino in Newport, Rhode Island.
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